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You are Love.
You are the Light. It is Your birthright to become whole and healed. is the website for Zequiel, a 9th dimensional nonphysical being from the Andromeda galaxy.

Zequiel is an extremely loving being, who enjoys visiting us here on the Earth plane. He has come through at this time to help humans grow, change, and evolve on their path of ascension into the 5th dimension.


So glad you are here!

+About Us

Hi! I´m Antoinette

I'm Antoinette Fiumos and I am an energy channel and a trained Taoist Five Element acupuncturist since 1993. I have also undergone intensive study of A Course in Miracles. I am working with the assistance of higher consciousness to help people release blocks on their journey to ascension and transition toward 5th Dimensional consciousness.


I channel Zequiel and we work together to help humans grow, change, and evolve on their path of ascension into the 5th Dimension.


+ Who is Zequiel

Zequiel is an extremely loving being, who enjoys visiting us here on the Earth plane. He has come through at this time to help humans grow, change, and evolve on their path of ascension into the 5th dimension.

Once upon a time, Zequiel experienced 3rd dimensional consciousness as well; not on Earth, but on a planet within the Andromeda galaxy. Because of that experience, he has great compassion and empathy for us in our current circumstances. He understands our blocks to love, and he enjoys helping us remove them so we can become whole and healed, and a divine communication device for God.

+ Our Story

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Zequiel and I met in January of 2019, while I was mentoring with Tina Spalding, a leading-edge mentor and guide of A Course in Miracles. He has had a lifetime incarnated as a 3rd Dimensional human-like being before and so has deep compassion and understanding for the human condition and soul journey. Using my knowledge base of A Course in Miracles, which I've been studying since 2009, and my knowledge of energetics as a Taoist Five Element acupuncturist since 1993, Zequiel uses my mind and body as a trance channel to bring healings, insights, messages, and guidance to individuals on a one-to-one basis.




Our Services

+ Meet Zequiel

We both love humans very much and want to help as many people as possible remove the blocks in their minds to Love's presence so that they may find peace and joy, and heal and become whole.

​Our sessions are adapted and adjusted to meet your needs. We can work with all issues that are showing up in your life and work with them from their root, energetically and emotionally. We work comfortably and compassionately at a pace that is right for you.


+ Chakra Healing Technologies

Chakra Healing Technologies are a set of meditation and visualization tools designed to help humans remove blocks in their minds to Love’s presence and to access and develop a more intimate relationship with their Light.

La meditación por el mar

+ Clients Love


When I saw Antoinette for the first time, it was the amount of love that triggered me. She was explaining how she channels Zequiel and I felt so much love, I had to contact her. Now, over a year later, my life has changed in so many ways, it is sometimes hard to believe. 

The conversations with Antoinette and Zequiel have brought me peace, trust, knowledge and a direction to move in. If you want to change, you have to do it yourself. You are the creator of your life. You always have been and always will. With the guidance and love of Antoinette and Zequiel you can manage it. I’ve experienced it.




+ Contact Us

If my energy resonates with you, please contact me at to schedule a session or

send me a message below.

Thank you for your message!

Puesta de sol sobre el mar

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